Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Using Self-hypnosis to Relieve Pain

One of the known methods that has been proven to work effectively as a natural pain relief is self-hypnosis. Although experts have confirmed that all forms of hypnosis are self-hypnosis in themselves, it is often described as the process of using hypnosis on oneself without the assistance of a hypnotherapist. In spite of its convenience and probability, it takes time before you perfect the methods of hypnotizing yourself on your own accord.

Self-hypnosis requires patience, determination, and a willingness to allow oneself to be thoroughly subjected to the process. Yet, as always, practice makes perfect. With time, your sincere effort and persistence would yield desirable results. However, you have to keep in mind that hypnosis is possible only if you believe that it would work on you. Otherwise, do not expect positive results.

Prior to practicing hypnosis for pain relief, you are required to get a confirmation from your doctor about the cause and nature of your pain, in order to ensure that proper treatment is applied to any conspicuous origin. It is best to work on your pain when it is still in the moderate stage. Although there would be instances wherein you would want to use self-hypnosis when your pain is at its most intense, be reminded that this could be a real challenge.

Kindly proceed.

1. Allow yourself to enter the hypnotic state by closing your eyes.

2. Determine the level of your pain by imagining a dial with the numbers 1-10 indicated on its surface. The numbers indicate the varying levels of pain with one as the lowest and ten as the highest. Imagine yourself turning that dial to the specific number representing the level of your pain as of the moment.

3. Now imagine a tunnel. This tunnel is a visual representation of your pain. Enter the tunnel. As you move forward, imagine your pain increasing. Let this show on the dial by turning it to the direction of the numbers leading to 10.

4. You have equal capacity in increasing the level of your pain as well as decreasing it. Imagine seeing a small circle of light at the end of the tunnel. See yourself proceeding toward the direction of that light. As you get closer, your pain decreases, increasing your comfort. Imagine your comfort level being reflected on the dial, too.

5. Imagine the light getting bigger as you get nearer. As you proceed, you are starting to feel more comfortable because the pain is gradually decreasing.

6. The length of the tunnel is in your discretion, depending on your pain level at the moment. While you continue to progress toward the light, your pain ebbs. This is also reflected in the dial as it turns toward the direction of one—the lowest level.

7. The minute your pain has decreased to a comfortable level of either three or two, you can already imagine yourself exiting the tunnel feeling more comfortable.

8. Explore the benefits of this positive feeling and imbibe it. Let yourself revel in this comfortable state before you decide to open your eyes.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

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