Do you often find yourself hungry whenever you feel down? If your answer to this question is a big “yes,” then you're ranked among the many people labeled as emotional eaters. Although common, the compulsion to use food to compensate for adverse emotions endangers your weight loss efforts. Emotional eating makes you susceptible to overeating, especially with high risk high-calorie foods with lots of sugar and/or fat.
Food serves as one of the most common emotional pacifiers whenever people find themselves stressed out and/or beleaguered by problems. The act of eating itself is a form of distraction. It keeps them preoccupied while suppressing adverse emotions like sadness, confusion, anger, loneliness, fear, boredom, or a combination of any of them.
Even if there are people who tend to eat less when confronted by these emotions, getting emotionally distressed also leaves them vulnerable to eating compulsively. Whether done consciously or not, the peril of having your emotions entwined with food could send you reaching out for whatever food is available every time you feel bad. Regardless of what particular emotion has triggered your compulsion, you still end up with the same risks: botched weight loss efforts and becoming unhealthy.
Contributed By: Maris Modesto
Food serves as one of the most common emotional pacifiers whenever people find themselves stressed out and/or beleaguered by problems. The act of eating itself is a form of distraction. It keeps them preoccupied while suppressing adverse emotions like sadness, confusion, anger, loneliness, fear, boredom, or a combination of any of them.
Even if there are people who tend to eat less when confronted by these emotions, getting emotionally distressed also leaves them vulnerable to eating compulsively. Whether done consciously or not, the peril of having your emotions entwined with food could send you reaching out for whatever food is available every time you feel bad. Regardless of what particular emotion has triggered your compulsion, you still end up with the same risks: botched weight loss efforts and becoming unhealthy.
Contributed By: Maris Modesto